Monday, October 6, 2008

For My Mom..and everyone else(-:

So my mom was on the phone when this video was taking place and she asked me to post it. It just makes ya happy to watch it---GO COWBOYS!!!


NWO Observer said...

visit this blog. thank you.

Mamie said...

Silly Josh!


Anonymous said...

GO COWBOYS!!!!! Way to go T.O.
Beware of D Ware!!!!! Let's Go Witten!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

The Cowbitches suck.....Go SKINS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He gets his smooth dance moves from his father.

Anonymous said...

Haha that's just like a redskins fan to hide behind an anonymous user how's it going Andi? We live kinda close now I think...let's go get a beer.

Anonymous said...

you married him.....


lol...jk joshy!

ur a big silly

there are very few people in the world who love you more than me (and nick is NOT one of them)


Anonymous said...

i didn't know we were compeating....


Anonymous said...

All I could think of when I watched this was josh screaming in his head 'THERE'S SOMETHING IN MY SHIRT! WHY IS NOBODY HELPING ME?!'
