This is the view of the lake and part of the city from the museum. It was a balmy 8 degrees(-: Every Tuesday in January and February are free days at the museums (they have to have 52 free days a year so they stick them all in the winter) and my day off at work is Tuesday so I tried out the Field Museum and a little bit of the Shedd Aquarium a few weeks ago...
This is not a diamond, but it sure is big and pretty! I don't remember the name of the gem but it's 50 carats. Awesome! The gem exhibit was cool but small, they are supposed to be expanding it this summer.
This is for Jeff, that's a lotta points! It's an ancient deer/moose from Ireland, it stands 8 feet tall, not counting the antlers. I sure hope the people that hunted this thing had a four wheeler to bring it back to the truck!
Four foot ivory tusk from Africa, the carvings were awesome but the size was amazing!
Took this picture to scare Josh (that's a giant spider), this was part of an alter used for sacrificing animals, it was Inca or Maya, can't remember.
My favorite part of the museum is their collection of Totem Poles. There are probably close to one hundred but I couldn't get great pictures because I only had the camera on my phone and the lighting was dark and mysterious. The majority of them stood 15 to 20 feet and each had a description of what the animal represented and where it was taken from.
This is for Pamela, R.I.P. Excetra!
(In the voice of the shark from Family Guy)"Hhhhheeeeeyyyyy! My name is Sue. I am the largest, most complete T-Rex fossil in the whole wide world! I got big teeth, but you don't have to worry about that, cause I ate a fat kid earlier and I couldn't eat another bite! Stop by later though, I might be hungr... I mean there's a new exhibit about... human things you might like, right here in front of me, within reach of my giant bone crushing jaws!"
More of the city from the museum stairs. It looks so peaceful!
More of the city from the museum stairs. It looks so peaceful!